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News! : Access the 4th ALI conference on our Youtube Channel

Access the 4th ALI conference on our Youtube Channel :

On Saturday 11th June 2022, took place the 4th annual Africa Learning International (ALI) conference hosted by The Association of International Educators and Leaders of Colour  (AIELOC). The theme of this year was: ‘Africa in the Curriculum: Africanize, Indigenize, Decolonize’

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GET INVOLVED : ALI's work in South Africa - Intercultural sports exchange

To support  the dreams and education al enrichment of young athletes from South Africa, ALI president Estelle Baroung Hughes connected the Cape-Town based Ultra athletics club  with International School of Geneva's elite sport programme called Sport Plus. 

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A Thank You letter to ALI from a Capetonian Underprivileged School

Wow, this term has in many ways been a marvellous one! Grades Three to Six came back from the holidays with new classrooms to go to.

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